How a 10 Second Rice Hack
Helped Me Reclaim My Body...

Here's my "Plus to Petite after 63" story...

Exotic Rice Hack

Hi, my name is Mary. I’m 63. Married for 35 years. Mom of 2. Grandma of 5.
And I just recently stumbled upon a way to get my old self back…
I remember back in my 20s and 30s when I used to….
◑Have plenty of energy from sun up to sun down
​◑Maintain a slim figure even while living on pizzas and chocolate brownies
​​◑Eat what I wanted...WHEN I wanted and not gain an ounce
◑Stay in great shape even though I hardly went to the gym
​◑Feel confident and comfortable wearing fun form-fitting tops, tanks, and shorts
That was me. UNTIL, somewhere in my early 40s.

After 40, EVERYTHING Went Downhill, Quickly...

All of a sudden, my once slim and trim petite figure became a magnet for pounds and bulge in all the wrong places.

It seemed my metabolism had SLOWED to a crawl.

Even my health was deteriorating, and I had very little energy throughout the day.

So, I would go to bed earlier at night, hoping that would help me make it through the next day.

Some nights I’d even sleep 12 HOURS, and still be dragging myself the next day!

I didn’t realize at the time how BAD it had gotten.

That is, until my husband and I were visiting his side of the family in California over the holidays. He had booked a sea view condo on AirBnB for us to stay in.

When I walked in the bathroom I noticed there was a fancy digital scale right in the middle of the floor. We hadn’t had a scale at our house in years.

Hesitantly, I decided to step on.....just to see what it read.

207….What? Surely, it was off.

That moment hit me HARD.

I looked up in the bathroom mirror, and was so ashamed of what I saw.

I looked so tired, puffy and... ahem...“round”

How did it get this bad? How did I let myself go so far?

I thought about the “scale experience” the rest of the day. And that evening as I was getting ready for bed, I made a decision.

I Was Determined To Get The "REAL ME" Back!

I even tried some weird home remedies that a lady at my local health food store swore by.
Like various concoctions in the kitchen, with pickle juice, apple cider vinegar, lemons, bananas, and more..
While I was on the "natural home remedy" kick, I even tried foot detox pads and putting a peeled onion in my sock.
(...and I'm just a little embarrassed to confess I slept with an onion in my sock...)
Next, I did Keto. There were some excellent meals to be had with that plan, but I missed my breads dearly.
Then I counted calories, tried Paleo, I even went Vegan for a whole month.
BUT, my scale numbers weren’t budging!
I thought...“Could something be wrong with me internally?”
So, I made an appointment with my doctor to get checked out.

10 second rice hack

What My Doctor Revealed Totally Shocked Me!

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99% of People Have Never Even Heard Of This...

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So, I've been using this "Rice Method" for a while now, and I'm SO excited!

Right away, I began seeing results, just like the doctor said I would.

The numbers on the scale started falling on Day 2 and haven't stopped since.

It feels like I'm buying new clothes every other week.

And I can't believe it when I shop in the women's small section... not the big sizes!

My husband noticed the change, too...😉. Let's just say our relationship has a new spark, even at our age!
He decided to try this "Rice Method" as well. Yep, it works for men, too!

Other things I've also noticed since I started doing it is...

◑My energy has SKYROCKETED. 63 feels more like 30 these days if you ask me!

◑​I have a satisfied feeling after meals and don’t crave snacks all day.

◑But, I’m actually eating MORE of my favorite foods. Even Homemade Brownies and Cheesecake. All Guilt-Free! 

◑​My blood sugar levels are better, eventhough, I'm eating more sweets. Who would have thought?

​◑I sleep more soundly these days, waking up refreshed and energized for the day. 

10 second rice hack

I'm SO Grateful I Followed My Heart, and Not My Head...

I could have easily blown off my Doctor when he told me about this unusual fizzy juice ritual. But, I put my skepticism aside.

Now, I absolutely love who I have become. It feels like the “REAL ME’ again.

And, I don’t have to worry about my health going forward.

All because I took some time to learn about this ancient calorie-burning loophole. Who would have thought?

Of course, I’m starting to get questions about what I’m doing to get these results so quickly.

So, I have put a link to the same website where I learned about the ritual here below.

That is... if it's STILL up.

I know there was a chance that it was going to be taken down, due to some pending legal actions from some well-known pharmaceutical company that is trying to keep this method hidden from the general public.

I guess the smart thing to do would be to go ahead and click over right now to be certain you have the chance to learn this loophole for yourself. 👇👇

10 second rice hack

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